We Want You…to Fight Nazi Dinosaurs

Ancient beasts walk the earth once again, forged into terrifying weapons by none other than Adolf Hitler. Grab your weapon and prepare for the assault...it's Dino D-Day!

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So Much News! Free Weekend on Steam, Victory Card Update, and Development Goings On!

Head on over to Steam right now to play for free and pick up a copy at 80% off!  You can’t even buy a ticket to see a dinosaur skeleton in a museum for that price, let alone BE one while stomping around and chewing on soldiers.  For you veterans of the game, the servers are bulging at the seams, so go jump into the fray and teach these green recruits how to do it.


Update News: Victory Cards

This update introduces Victory Cards to the Dino D-Day world.  Don’t let the word “card” fool you, this is something completely different than Steam Trading Cards (more about those in a minute).  Dino D-Day Victory Cards are a collectible in-game item that tells the story of the alternate universe WW2 and the men, women, and dinosaurs who waged it.  The concept is rooted in real publications during WW2, as well as the cards that were included in cigarette and gum packages.  Each series of cards fits into a booklet for an individual character. Starting things off in this update, we’ve given you a booklet about Trigger, the allied protoceratops; and a booklet for Kurt Streicher, the Axis captain who is just as talented with a paintbrush as he is with an MP40.

So what is the difference between Steam Trading Cards and Badges and Dino D-Day Victory Cards?  The big difference is that Victory Cards stay in Dino D-Day for now.  We originally created this addition to the game before Steam cards were on the radar.  We delayed our release of our cards so that players would not be confused.  Steam cards show how awesome you are, Victory Cards just want to tell you a story. Collect them all, and you have the complete story on that Dino D-Day character.

We would love to hear your feedback on Victory Cards as we evaluate them for future use.


Dino D-Day Development News

Continuing to support Dino D-Day is still a high priority for us, but we also want to share some information about what else is happening with 800 North.


Dino D-Day 2
We’ve learned a lot since the early days of the Dino D-Day mod, and we’ve been hard at work putting those lessons to work in a new and improved version of the game.  We’ve mentioned the project before, but have been somewhat vague about our timeline for release **cough cough** Valve time **cough cough**.  We still want to avoid setting a release date because we really want this game to be the best it can be before we let it loose into the wild.  That said, we are making good progress on the game.  We have new character models, new animations, entirely new methods of creating immersive environments, and we are having a lot of fun as we polish and playtest.  We’re looking forward to sharing it with you very vaguely soonish at a time that is yet to be determined.  And that is a completely accurate estimate.


Dino D-Day: The Animated Series
We are continuing to develop the world of the game into an animated series.  It is a tale of heroism, epic struggle, global forces clashing…and dinosaurs.  Our production partner, Icehouse, a brand of Brown Bag Films, are great to work with, and bring a lot of creative vision to the team.  There are treatments and scripts being written, concept art being drawn, and new ideas of how dinosaurs could like, totally wreck Europe.

So this is how we spend our days, and have been for a while now; steadfastly hammering at our digital anvils, forging the instruments of simulated warfare with dinosaurs.  Thanks for your interest in the game, and we are looking forward to invading both your television screens and monitors with new Dino D-Day content soon.  Unless you watch shows on your monitor.  Or game on your TV.  Then just the one screen.  But we’ll be invading.  Soonish.

Dec 12, 2013 | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: none